Saturday, the place to be is Intersect Arts Center, 3636 Texas Avenue. The space is throwing a party to celebrate its renovation and reopening. Looks to be quite the bash, with food and cocktails, jazz by Jenna Bauer and the Be Here Nows, performances by Leverage Dance Theater and much more.
Featured is Dave Moore’s intriguing Ebb//Flow: Artists of St. Louis. The baseball-style cards feature a really good cross-section of working artists in the city: multimedia artist Brandon Anschultz, painter Alex Johnmeyer, sculptor Rachel Youn, to name just a few. More than 60 folks get the card treatment–see portraits of them and learn their vital stats. (Yes, you can get a pack at the party, and yes, there will be gum.)
Intersect is a 4,000 square foot home for artist studio spaces, as well as a dance studio and recording studio, shop space for wood, ceramic, metals, printmaking and papermaking, and a stained-glass studio and commercial kitchen.
Intersect Arts Center Grand Opening. 3636 Texas Avenue. Saturday, Feb. 3. 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.