Author Archives: Chris Andoe

Marler Law Partners to Address Thursday’s LGBTQ Legal Summit

Marler Law Partners to Address Thursday’s LGBTQ Legal Summit

After watching the most conservative Supreme Court in over 90 years set women’s rights back 50 years, and then experiencing a presidential race where Republicans spent 215 million demonizing the LGBTQ community, this month’s shocking Trump victory has led to Nazi marches through the streets, men yelling “Your body, my choice” at women and girls,

Project 2024 Event to Rally and Educate LGBTQ+ Community on Project 2025

In an impressive show of unity, virtually all local LGBTQ bar owners are confirmed to attend Thursday’s Project 2024 event, which seeks to educate the community on the wildly unpopular Project 2025— the Heritage Foundation’s blueprint for reshaping the federal government and consolidating executive power in a possible second Trump Administration. In 2018, then-President Trump
