Tag Archives: Metro East Pride

Jim Andris at a 1980 pride festival in St. Louis. | COURTESY ST. LOUIS LGBT HISTORY PROJECT

A History of Pride in St. Louis

The year after Stonewall in 1970, what we now call Pride events began taking place across America. While St. Louis did not host its first Pride until 1980, many foundational events paved the way for modern era Pride celebrations across the St. Louis region. In 1977 and 1978, local gay rights rallies were held in

Unity, Pride, and Shade: Summer Issue has it All

We’re honored to partner with Pride St. Louis and #Boom to bring you this combined Official Pride Guide and summer issue of Out in STL. Pride is when we take stock of where we are as a community, and while there will always be conflicts and rivalries (and shade!), I’m seeing more unity and collaboration
