Drag Queen Maxi Glamour hosts St. Louis Mayoral Debate on Queer+ Issues

Photo by Theo Welling.

On Monday January 18th Qu’art St. Louis will be holding a Mayoral Debate on *Queer+ issues.

  • Qu’art is a local organization aimed to promote queer art and use the voice of queer artists as a platform for social change.
  • Qu’art was founded in 2014 by artist and activist Maxi Glamour and has worked with over 350 artists, elected officials, and community organizers from all over the world to promote political engagement and within the Queer community. 

We reached out to all of the candidates that filed for the Mayor of the City of St. Louis to make sure that we could hear from each of the candidates.

  • Of all the candidates running we have received confirmation from Dana Kelly, Tishaura Jones, Cara Spencer, and Keith Jefferson
  • By request of our community Qu’art reached out to all parties running including Republican candidates and are awaiting confirmation of the Republican candidate
  • The only person to decline has been President of the Board of Aldermen Lewis Reed

The debate will be hosted and moderated by St. Louis-based queer activist and founder of Qu’art St. Louis, Maxi Glamour.

  • The debate will be live and streamed on twitch.tv/quartstl at 6pm CST and last for approximately two hours 
  • Questions from members of the queer community are able to be submitted at
  • The debate will be recorded and uploaded to both Qu’art St. Louis’ YouTube and Facebook the following day 

*Qu’art uses “Queer+” as a term for all folks within the LGBTQIA+ community.  It has a lot less syllables and way more more personality


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