Tag Archives: Rehab

Rough & Tumble: Sitting Down With the St. Louis Crusaders

Rough & Tumble: Sitting Down With the St. Louis Crusaders

Rugby involves a lot of whoring. In fact, the whoring is one reason there’s such a brotherhood between players across the sport. As if that weren’t intriguing enough, they even have hookers on the field (for real!), and all of this goes on under the watchful eye of “the Sir.” OK, I may have inadvertently

Divas of the Grove Ignite from the Ashes

It’s a brisk Tuesday night and I’m sitting with my wife at Rehab Bar and Grill, home of Divas of the Grove, waiting for a quick chat with the Divas before their rehearsal. The name of the bar, located at the corner of Sarah and Manchester, could be interpreted as a cheeky take on the
